Sunday, 10 June 2018


Practice Paper
Subject Chemistry (2019)
Class VIII                     Ch- COAL AND PETROLEUM                                    
  1. What product is formed when coal is heated in absence of air?
  2. Define petroleum. 
  3. What are exhaustible and inexhaustible substances?
  4. Define carbonation.
  5. Name the purest form of carbon.
  6. How is cock, coal tar and petroleum gas formed?
  7. Where is petroleum found in India?
  8. Name the fraction of petroleum used for ointment and candle.
  9. Write the two name of natural substances?
  10. What is the purest form of carbon?
  11. What is the main use of coke?
  12. Name two fractions of petroleum?
  13. Why petroleum is called black gold?
  14. Expand PCRA?
  15. What are natural resources? Explain with examples?
  16. What are fossil fuels? Name main fossil fuels?
  17. What are petrochemicals?Give its uses.
  18. What is CNG and why is called clean fuel?
  19. State some harmful effects of using fossil fuels?
  20. What are petrochemicals?
  21. Give two examples of two solid fuels?
  22. Classify the fuels on the basis of states?
  23. What is the principal of fire extinguisher?
  24. We can prepare tea in a paper cup and it does not catch fire. Why?
  25. Name the new fuel recommended to use in buses?
  26. Which part of candle is hottest?
  27. Why does charcoal not produces flame?
  28. Do all the substances catch fire on same temperature?
  29. What do you mean by forest fire?
  30. What is the sources of heat and light of the 
  31. Give the full form of CNG and LPG.         
  32. How does fire brigade work?
  33. What is deforestation? What is its effect?
  34. Name: (i) the process and (ii) the fuel commonly used in a reactor.
  35. Why is the sun regarded as the ultimate source of energy?
  36. (i)What is LPG ? Mention its main components. (ii) Why is a smelling agent is added to it?
  37. Define destructive distillation.What is the principal on which it is based?
  38. Why is petroleum known as black gold?
  39. What are Bitumen and Asphalt. How can be used?
  40. (i)Name the residue formed by destructive distillation of coal.(ii)Name three products of distillation .
  41. (i)Give two characteristics of coal.(ii)Give one reason why LPG is a better fuel than coal?
  42. How have fossil fuel been formed?and why are non renewable sources of energy? 
  43. What is crude oil? how is it formed? 
  44. State two uses of the following: (i) Charcoal (ii) Cock  (iii) Bone charcoal.
  45. Why do we use cock for making steel not coal?
  46. Give two characteristics and uses of cock.What is the role of cock? What is the purest form of coal?
  47. Give one advantages of modern chullah over traditional chullah.
  48. Writ the name of coal gases and its uses.
  49. How is wood converted into coal inside the earth?
  50. Which property of petroleum is used for separating it into various fractions?  
  51. Why kerosene is better than gasoline?