Monday, 11 June 2018


Practice Paper
Subject Biology (2019)

1. Define pisciculture.
2. What are (a) weeds (b) threshing (c) crops?
3. What are Kharif crops? Name two Kharif crops.
4. What are summer crops? Name two summer crops.
5. What are Rabi crops? Name two Rabi crops.
6. Why paddy cannot be grown in the summer season?
7. What is meant by agricultural practices?
8. How soil is prepared? What name is given to the loosening and turning of soil?
9. Name the tool used for tilling of the soil, used for removing weeds, and used for ploughing?
10. What are crumbs and how are crumbs broken?
11. What is a plough? Why it is necessary?  Give two advantages of ploughing the field before sowing.
12. What is meant by sowing? What are the two ways of sowing the seeds?
13. What is meant by the good quality of seeds? What is the advantage of sowing seeds with a seed drill?
14. What are manure and fertilizer? Name two important fertilizers. What is organic manure? Give two advantages of using fertilizers excessively.
15. What is meant by crop rotation, irrigation, and system of irrigation?
16. Why weeds should be removed? Name the process of removal of weeds?
17. What are pesticides and weedicides?
18. Name the farm machine used for harvesting and threshing both?
19. What is meant by winnowing?
20. How is food stored and why should grains be dried before storage?
21. What is meant by animal husbandry? Name some animals from whom milk can be obtained and which are reared for their meat.
22. What is broadcasting in agricultural practices? Enumerate two methods by which harvesting of crops can be done?
23. How are poultry shed maintain?
24. How do the soil and the crops benefit by proper tilling of the soil?
25. Give one word for the following statements:
(a) One crop is dependent on western monsoon.  
(b) Type of crop that requires more water for irrigation?
26. How is transplantation useful to the farmer? Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops In a field?
27. Explain why most crops have a particular season in which they grow? If wheat is sown in the Kharif season, what would happen?
28. Give two reasons why seeds should be sown at the correct distance?
29. Give two methods by which threshing can be done.
30. Differentiate between logging and lodging. Why does the loosening of soil allow roots to breathe easily?
31. How do earthworms and microbes present in the soil help the growth of crops?
32. What is meant by field fallow? A farmer never leaves field fallow. Will you get a good crop?
33. Why heavy soil is considered the best soil for the growing plants? How is soil resources for all living organisms? Give any two points.
34. Why crop rotation is useful for farmers? Name three types of crops in our country and give two examples of each.
35. How is organic manure obtained?
36. Fill in the blanks:-
a. ______ is large scale cultivation of vegetable, fruits & flower plants.
b. ______ is the process of loosening and turning up of the soil.
c. ______ is the process of supplying water to crops at different intervals.
d. ______ is the result of too much water given to the soil.
e. ______ is the science dealing with the growth of plants and animals for human use
f. ______ were the first crop known to be cultivated.
g. ______ provide staple food for people in every part of the world.
h. ______ is the most important cereal in the world.
i. Better varieties of crops can be developed by plant ______.
j. ______ means producing offsprings under controlled conditions.
k. ______ is a technique used for developing new crop varieties by cross-breeding.
d. In the breeding experiments, anthers of plants are removed by process called ______ l. ______ farming technique of crop cultivation employs biological methods.
m. Grains are rich in ______.
n. If there is a shortfall in production, grains are made available from ______ stock. 

  NCERT Questions👇

37. Give two examples of each. 
(a) Kharif crop (b) Rabi crop 
38. Write a paragraph in your own words on each of the following. 
(a) Preparation of soil (b) Sowing (c) Weeding (d) Threshing 
39. Explain how fertilizers are different from manure.
40. What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation that conserve water. 41. If wheat is sown in the Kharif season, what would happen? Discuss. 
42. Explain how soil gets affected by the continuous plantation of crops in a field. 43. What are the weeds? How can we control them?
44. Select the correct word from the following list and fill in the blanks. 
float, water, crop, nutrients, preparation. 
(a) The same kind of plants grown and cultivated on a large scale at a place is called _____________. 
(b) The first step before growing crops is _____________ of the soil.
(c) Damaged seeds would _____________ on top of water. 
(d) For growing a crop, sufficient sunlight and _____________ and _____________ from the soil are essential. 
45. Match items in column A with those in column B.
            A                                      B 
(i) Kharif crops                  (a) Food for cattle 
(ii) Rabi crops                   (b) Urea and superphosphate 
(iii) Chemical fertilizers      (c) Animal excreta, cow dung urine and plant
(iv) Organic manure          (d) Wheat, gram, pea 
                                       (e) Paddy and maize.