Practice Paper
Subject: Biology(2019)
Class VIII . Ch- MICRO-ORGANISM - What do you understand by microorganisms?
- Who discovered the vaccine for small pox?
- Can we find a place without microbes in nature?
- Which microorganism is used in the production of alcohol?
- Name any two food items that are prepared using yeast.
- Name any three habitats of microorganisms.
- Name the bacteria which is involved in the fixation of nitrogen in leguminous plants.
- Name the bacteria which is responsible for the formation of curd.
- What do you understand by the term "Pseudopodia"? Give one function
- Explain how does blue-green algae help in increasing the fertility of soil
- Name the insects, which carry the parasite of malaria and dengue.
- Why generally dry fruits and even vegetables are sold in sealed air tight packets?
- What are the causes of food poisoning?
- What are communicable diseases? Name few of them.
- Mention the causative organism and mode of transmission of the following diseases:(i) Tuberculosis(ii) Polio(iii) Malaria(iv) Typhoid(v) Hepatitis B(vi) Chicken Pox
- (i) What are antibiotics?(ii) How are they manufactured?(iii) How are they useful to mankind?
- (i) What is nitrogen fixation?(ii) Which organisms are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen?(iii) What is the need of converting atmospheric nitrogen into compounds of nitrogen?
- Draw a diagram of (i) Amoeba(ii) Paramecium
- (i) What are pathogens ?(ii) How can they enter in our body?
- Describe the role of salt, sugar, oil and vinegar in preservation of food?
- (i) What are the affects caused by disease causing microorganisms?(ii) What measures can be taken to control them?(iii) Name some plant diseases with their causative organism.
- How can high and low temperature affects the growth of microorganisms?
- Describe the useful and harmful effects of microorganisms.
- (i) What are communicable diseases? (ii) With help of examples explain the spread of diseases through carriers.(iii) How can we prevent the spread of malaria and dengue?(i) What do you understand by the term vaccine?(ii) Which diseases can be prevented by vaccination?(iii) How coined the term vaccine?
- Draw a well labelled diagram of nitrogen cycle?
- Name any three habitats of microorganisms.
- Can we find a place without microbes in nature.
- Which microorganism is used in the production of alcohol?
- Name any two food items that are prepared using yeast.
- Name the bacteria which is responsible for the formation of curd.
- In which form microorganisms are used in vaccine?
- Who discovered the vaccine for small pox?
- Who discovered the process of fermentation?
- Mention two important uses of fungi.
- “Virus are living or non-living.” Comment with reasons.
- What do you mean by fermentation?
- What are preservatives?
- Define pasteurization.
- Why generally dry fruits and vegetables are sold in sealed air tight packets?
- Explain antibiotics in brief with the help of examples.
- Describe the role of sugar, oil and vinegar in preservation of food?
- What do you understand by vaccine? Explain in detail.
- Mention some useful effects of microorganisms.
- Which bacteria are responsible for Anthrax disease?
- Name the bacteria which is involved in the fixation of nitrogen in leguminous plants.
- Explain how do blue-green algae help in increasing the fertility of soil?
- What are communicable diseases? Name some of them.
- Name the insects which carry the parasite of malaria and dengue.
- Mention the causative organism and mode of transmission of these organism in following diseases. (i) Tuberculosis(ii) Polio(iii) Malaria(iv) Typhoid(v) Hepatitis B (vi)Chicken Pox
- What is nitrogen fixation? Which organisms are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen?
- What are the effects caused by disease causing microorganisms? How can they be controlled and name some plant diseases with their causative organism?
- What are the harmful effects of microorganisms?
- What are pathogens?
- What are the different ways through which pathogens enter in our body?
- What is a carrier?
- What preventive measures should be taken to avoid common diseases?
- Why nitrogen fixation is necessary?
- Draw a well labeled diagram of nitrogen cycle.