Wednesday, 13 June 2018


Practice Paper
Subject Biology(2020)
Class IX                                   CH-6 Tissue                                                  

I. Very Short Answer Type Questions:
  1. What is tissue?
  2. What is the function of vascular tissue?
  3. Which tissue provides flexibility in plants?
  4. Which tissue makes the plant hard and stiff?
  5. Define transpiration.
  6. State two functions of the adipose tissue.
  7. What are the types of complex permanent tissues?
  8. Name the two types of plant tissue.
  9. What is meristematic tissue?
  10. What is the location of meristematic tissue in the plant?
  11. How many types of meristematic tissue are there on the basis of their presence?
  12. What is the function of meristematic tissue?
  13. What is the function of suberin in cork?
  14. What do you understand by differentiation?
  15. How is permanent tissue formed from meristematic tissue?
  16. What is the source of cork?
  17. What are stomata?
  18. What do you mean by guard cells?
  19. Name the complex plant tissue.
  20. What is the function of cutin the waxy substance present in the epidermis of desert plants?
  21. What are the vascular bundles?
  22. Name the four elements of phloem.
  23. What is the function of lymph?
  24. Which epithelial tissue is present on the tongue?
II. Short Answer Type Questions:
  1. Identify the meristematic tissue, which is located at 
    (i) growing tips of roots and stems
    (ii) the base of the leaves or internodes on twinges.
  2. What happens to the cells formed by meristematic tissue? 
  3. What is an apical meristem? What is its function?
  4. Some plants like desert plants, the epidermis has a thick waxy coating of cutin on its outer surface. What is the reason for this?
  5. What are the roles of transpiration in plants?
  6. Why is epidermis present as a thick waxy coating of cutin in the desert plant?
  7. Write the location and functions of epidermis tissue in the plant.
  8. What are the functions of epidermal cells of the roots?
  9. Draw a level diagram of a neuron.
  10. State the role of ligament and tendon in our skeletal system.
  11. A horse and mango tree are both complex living organisms with the specialist yet different tissues system to perform the basic life processes. Give two reasons for possessing different tissues to perform a similar function.
  12. How are simple epithelial tissues and compound epithelial tissue different?
  13. Which two cells contain flat squamous cells arranged in many layers to prevent wear and tear of parts?
  14. Name an animal whose skeleton is made up of cartilage.
  15. What is the function of RBCs?
  16. What is the lifespan of human RBCs?
  17. Write the location and function of collenchyma tissue.
  18. State three advantages of cutin.
  19. Write any two characteristic features of parenchyma tissue.
  20. List any two characteristic features of parenchyma tissue.
  21. List any two functions of epithelial tissue in the human body
  22. Name the living components common to both the complex Permanent tissues found in plants. What is its function?
  23. List four functions of blood.
  24. Write two locations of the following animal tissues:
    (a) simple squamous epithelial cells
    (b) Cuboidal epithelium.
  25. Mention one reason in the human body where adipose tissues are present and state one function of the tissue.
  26. List two points of differences between parenchyma and sclerenchyma.
  27. What are the constituents of xylem and phloem?
III. Long Answer type questions:
  1. Write the two differences between plant tissue and animal tissue.
  2. Write the differences between chlorenchyma, parenchyma, and aerenchyma.
  3. What is stomata? Write its structure and functions.
  4. Write the location, structure, and function of the epidermis.
  5. Write the location, structure, and function of the apical meristem in the plant?
  6. (i)Voluntary muscles are also known as skeletal muscles. Justify.
    (ii)Give two structural characteristics of these voluntary muscles?
  7. Differentiate between xylem and phloem with their functions and structure.
  8. List two characteristics of cork. Name the chemicals present in them and mention their role.
  9. What are the constituents of xylem and phloem?
  10. (a) Name the tissue that makes husk of the coconut. Write three characteristics of this tissue.
    (b) Name the connective tissue which connects two bones.
    (c) Name the connective tissue present in the external ear.
  11. I. Name the tissue 
    (a) that connect muscles to the bone in human. 
    (b) forms the inner lining of alveoli.
    (c) Stores fat in our body. 
    (d) transports water and minerals in Plants.
    II. Name the simple permanent tissue which
    (i) forms the basic packing tissue (ii) provides flexibility in plants.
  12. With the help of a level diagram, differentiate parenchyma and collenchyma.
  13. Mention four characteristics feature of the cells of meristematic tissue.
  14. I. What is an apical meristem? Where it is located? State its function.
    II. Name the following tissue
    (a) The connective tissue found between the skin and muscle
    (b) The tissue which connects two bones
    (c) The epithelial tissue which forms the lining of the kidney tubules
    (d) The tissue which is present in the veins of leaves.
    Growth in the plant is restricted to certain regions. Give the reason for this fact. Mention two growth in plants.
  15. How does the bone matrix differ from the matrix of cartilage?
  16. Name the tissue which helps in the transportation of oxygen that we inhale to various parts of our body. Write the composition of this tissue.
  17. I. Water hyacinth plant floats on the water surface. Name the tissue and its type due to which it is possible and also explain the special feature of this tissue that helps in this.
    II. Identify the type of tissues in the following:
    (a) Vascular bundle 
    (b) The inner lining of the intestine 
    (c) The lining of kidney tubules 
    (d) Iris of the eye
    (e) Muscles of the heart 
    (f) Bronchi of the lungs.
  18. Draw a labeled diagram of the basic unit of nervous tissue. State the role of the epidermis in plants.
  19. State the difference between tendon and ligament.
    (i) Name the following 
    (a) tissue that connects muscles to Bone 
    (b) tissues that store fat in our body 
    (c) tissues that transport food in plants 
    (d) tissues that provide flexibility in plants.
  20. Label the following and give one function of each part labeled a, b, c
  21. Write three distinguishes features between cells of meristematic and permanent plant tissue.
  22. Identify the animal tissues from the given description and also mention their location in the human body.
     Tissue "A" cells are filled with fat globules and the tissues act as an insulator
     Tissue "B" has cylindrical branched cells and the tissues show the rhythmic contraction and relaxation through life.
  23. Mention three characteristics feature and three functions of xylem.
  24. Explain in brief any three rolls of the epidermis in plants.
  25. Name any three connective tissue. Give any one function of each.
  26. Explain how the bark of the tree is formed? How does it act as a protective tissue?
  27. Draw a diagram of cardiac muscle and level any two parts. Write one main function of cardiac muscle.
  28. Show using a diagram of meristematic tissues in plants on the basis of their location. Identify the one which is responsible for the increase in the growth of the stem.
  29. State one point of difference between xylem and phloem. Draw a neat diagram of xylem vessel and tracheid.
  30. Wight the difference between striated muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscles on the basis of their shape and the number of nuclei.
  31. Make a labeled diagram to highlight the difference between striated and cardiac muscles. Write one function of striated muscles in our body.
  32. What are the small pores observed in the epidermis of the leaf called? Write its two main functions.
  33. Give reasons for the following:
    (a) The bark of a tree is impervious two gases and water 
    (b) in desert plants, the epidermis has a thick waxy coating
    (c) epidermal cells of the root generally have hair like parts.
  34. Identify the simple permanent plant tissue with the following description and also mention their location in the plant body. 
    (a) cells have irregular wall thickenings 
    (b) tissues with large intercellular space and cells having large air cavity 
    (c) cells are long narrow and dead in nature.
  35. Draw a labeled diagram of a longitudinal section of sclerenchyma. Name any two reasons in the plant where this tissue is present.
  36. Give a reason for the following: 
    (a) Cells of sclerenchyma have a narrow lumen.
    (b) Branches of a tree move and bend freely in high wind velocity. 
    (c) I.t is difficult to pull out the husk of the coconut.
  37. Uma started walking fast when she noticed that some unknown faces are following her. Name the two types of tissues which facilitated the movement of her legs bones in response to the stimulus. 74. Draw the diagram of any one of the above mentioned two tissues and level any two parts.
  38. Identify the type of muscular tissue having the following characteristics
    (a) Cylindrical branched and uninucleated. 
    (b) Long with pointed ends and uninucleated 
    (c) long cylindrical, unbranched and multinucleated.
  39. Name the type of epithelial tissues that lines the following:
    (a) Oesophagus      (b) Respiratory tract  
    (c)  Kidney tubules  (d) Inner lining of the intestine. 
    (e) Blood vessels     (f) Ducts are saliva glands
  40. Explain the process of differentiation. Identify the given tissue in the diagram given below. State any three characteristics feature of the same.
  41. Name the type of tissue of blood and also the liquid matrix of the blood. Name the components present in it. List any two functions of blood. 
  1. What is tissue? 
  2. What is the utility of tissues in multi-cellular organisms?
  3. Name types of simple tissues. 
  4. Where is the apical meristem found? 
  5. Which tissue makes up the husk of coconut? 
  6. What are the constituents of the phloem? 
  7. Name the tissue responsible for movement in our body.
  8. What does a neuron look like? 
  9. Give three features of cardiac muscles.
  10. What are the functions of areolar tissue?
  11. Define the term “tissue”.
  12. How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue? Name them.
  13. How are simple tissues different from complex tissues in plants? 
  14. Differentiate between parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma on the basis of their cell wall. 
  15. What are the functions of the stomata? 
  16. Diagrammatically show the difference between the three types of muscle fibers. 
  17. What is the specific function of the cardiac muscle?
  18. Differentiate between striated, un-striated and cardiac muscles on the basis of their structure and site/location in the body. 
  19. Draw a labeled diagram of a neuron. 
  20. Name the following. 
    (a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth. 
    (b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans. 
    (c) Tissue that transports food in plants. 
    (d) Tissue that stores fat in our body. 
    (e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix. 
    (f) Tissue present in the brain.
  21. Identify the type of tissue in the following: skin, the bark of a tree, bone, the lining of kidney tubule, vascular bundle. 
  22. Name the regions in which parenchyma tissue is present. 
  23. What is the role of the epidermis in plants? 
  24. How does the cork act as a protective tissue?