Saturday, 17 March 2018

CBSE Syllabus of class 8

CLASS -  8  Syllabus of Science

1.  Crop production and its management

2. Synthetic fiber and plastics

3. Coal and petroleum

4. Conservation of plant and animal

5. Reproduction in Animals

6. Force and Pressure

7. Sound

8. Some natural phenomena

9. Stars and the solar system


10. Micro organisms

11. Metal and non-metals

12. Combustion and Flame

13. Cell structure and functions

14. Reaching the age of adolescence

15. Friction

16. Chemical effects of Electric current

17. Light

18. Pollution of air and water

CBSE Syllabus of Math

Class 8

1. Rational Numbers

2. Linear Equations in One Variable

3. Understanding Quadrilaterals

4. Practical Geometry

5. Data Handling

6. Squares and Square Roots

7. Cubes and Cube Roots Chapter

8. Comparing Quantities

9. Algebraic Expressions and Identities

10. Visualizing Solid Shapes

11. Chapter Mensuration

12. Exponents and Powers

13. Direct and Inverse Proportions

14. Factorization

15.  Introduction to Graphs

16. Playing with Numbers