Monday, 25 June 2018


                               ICSE SYLLABUS CLASS 9


1. The language of Chemistry
2. Chemical Changes and Reactions
3. Water 
4. Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding
5. The Periodic Table
6. Study of the First Element - Hydrogen
7. Study of Gas Laws
8. Atmospheric Pollution


1. Measurements and Experimentation

2. Motion in One Dimension 

3. Laws of Motion 

4. Fluids

5. Heat

6. Light

7. Sound

8. Electricity and Magnetism


1. Basic Biology (Cell) 

2. Flowering Plants 

3. Plant Physiology 

4. Diversity in living organisms / Eco systems 

5. Human Anatomy and Physiology 

6. Health and Hygiene


1. Pure Arithmetic (Irrational Numbers)

2. Commercial Mathematics ((i) Profit and Loss (ii) Compound Interest) 

3. Algebra 

4. Geometry

5. Statistics

6. Mensuration

7. Trigonometry
8. Co-ordinate Geometry