Monday, 11 June 2018


                                     NUTRITION IN PLANTS

1.Plants prepare their food by the process of
2. The organism that can prepare their own food are called
3. Which is not required by plant for food synthesis?
4. An insectivorous plant?
5. Green pigments present in the leaves are called
6.Match the following.
Column A                  Column B
a. Autotrophs              i. Tiger
b. Heterotrophs           ii. Mushroom
c. Carnivores              iii. Cuscuta
d. Saprophytes           iv. Green plants
e. Parasite                    v. Animals 7.Fill in the blanks
a. Green plants are called -----------------, since they synthesize their own food.
b. Oxygen is released by plants during ------------------.
c. -------------------- live on dead and decaying animals.
d. -------------------- is the green coloured pigments present in leaves.
e. The food synthesized by the plants is stored as -------------------.
7. What is photosynthesis?
8. Distinguished between parasite and saprophytes.
9. What are insectivorous plants? Give two examples1. In the process of photosynthesis, the gas given out by green leaves is .....................
2. To test the presence of starch by iodine, the green leaf is first boiled in alcohol to..............
4. Plant eating animals are called............
5. Match the following:
Column A                          Column B
a. Exchange of gases       i. Rhizobium
b. Nitrogen                       ii. Chlorophyll
c. Autotrophs                   iii. Stomata
d. Omnivores                   iv. Green plants
e. Photosynthesis            v. Bear
7. What is the mode of nutrition in plants?
8. What is symbiotic relationship? How it benefits the organisms?
9. Why green leaf is boiled in alcohol before testing it for starch.
10. Rearrange the letters to find out the words related to plant nutrition.
2. Name a plant which is saprophytic organism?
3. In which area insectivorous plants are found mostly ?
4. Exchange of gases in leaves takes place through..........
5. Match the following
Column A                   Column B
a. Herbivores              i. Amarbel
b. Carnivores              ii. Yeast
c. Omnivores              iii. Cow
d. Saprophytes           iv. Lion
e. Parasite                   v. Cat 6. Fill the blanks with suitable words.
a. During photosynthesis, solar energy is trapped by the pigment called -----------.
b. -------------- is the ultimate source of energy.
c. Gas released during photosynthesis is --------------------.
d. Plant eating animals are called ----------------.
e. Minute pores on leaf surface for exchange of gases are known as --------------.
7. What are Heterotrophs? Give two examples.
8. What are nutrients? Name main nutrients.
9. Why is sun said to be ultimate source of energy?
10. Name the following.
a. A parasitic plant which is devoid of leaves, having yellow, slender tubular stem.
b. A solution used to test the presence of carbohydrates.
c. A plant that has both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition.
d. The by which organism obtain energy from the digested food. 1. The green colour in plants is due to a pigment called..............
2. The balance between CO2 and O2 is maintained by.........
3. Animals which is an omnivorous organism?
4. Factor in which rate of photosynthesis is not dependent upon.
5. Match the following
Column A Column B
a. Lichens i. Herbivores
b. Pitcher plant ii. Parasitic
c. Amarbel iii. Insectivores
d. Dear iv. Exchange of gases
e. Stomata v. Symbiotic association 6. Write T for true and F for false statements.
a. Plants obtain nitrogen from soil.
b. Human being is an omnivorous organism.
c. Plant intake carbon dioxide during respiration.
d. Solar energy is captured by leaves.
e. Mushroom is a saprophytic organism.
7. What is parasitic nutrition? Give two examples.
8. Name the raw materials required for photosynthesis.
9. Why do organisms need to take food?
10. Classify the following organism as herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.
Dog, Cat, Human beings, Elephant, Crow, Cow, horse, deer, Tiger, Lion1. What is the mode of nutrition in animals?
a. Heterotrophic
b. Autotrophic
c. Symbiotic
d. All of these.
2. Which of the following is the longest part of the digestive system?
a. Large intestine
b. Small intestine
c. Oesophagus
d. Rectum
3. Bile juice secreted by the liver plays an important role in the digestion of
a. Protein
b. Carbohydrates
c. Cellulose
d. Fats
4. Finger-like projection called villi are found in the inner wall of
a. Small intestine
b. Large intestine
c. Rectum
d. Pharynx
5. Match the following
Column A Column B
a. Liver i. Acid release
b. Large intestine ii. Release of faecal matter
c. Rectum iii. Absorption of digested food
d. Stomach iv. Bile release
e. Villi v. Absorption of water6. Fill in the blanks.
a. Saliva is secreted in the mouth by ----------------.
b. Largest gland in human body is -----------------.
c. Tongue help in --------------- and -----------.
d. Insulin is released by -----------------.
e. HCl is released by ---------------- in the stomach.
7. What is mastication?
8. What are enzymes? Give one example.
9. What is digestion? Why it is important?
10. Name the enzyme released from the following glands in human digestive system.
a. Salivary glands
b. Gastric glands
c. Pancreas
d. Liver1. Amoeba capture food with the help of
a. Tentacles
b. Villi
c. Pseudopodia
d. Food cup
2. Canines are well developed in
a. Human beings
b. Cattle
c. Dogs
d. Elephants
3. Which of the following is a dual gland?
a. Pancreas
b. Liver
c. Gastric gland
d. Salivary gland
4. Enzymes are
a. Carbohydrates
b. Acids
c. Bio-catalyst
d. Bases
5. Match the following
Column A Column B
a. Incisor i. Grinding and crushing food
b. Canine ii. Biting the food
c. Molar iii. Tearing food
d. Tongue iv. Release enzyme
e. Salivary gland v. Mixing of food6. Write T for true and F for false statement.
a. The large intestine absorbs water and minerals.
b. Pancreas is the largest gland in our body.
c. Amoeba ingests food with the help of pseudopodia.
d. Villi help in digestion of food.
e. Animals can digest cellulose.
7. Where is bile produced? Which component of the food does it help to digest?
8. What are villi? Write its function?
9. What are ruminants? How do they digest cellulose?
10. Provide single term for the following:
a. The organ which stores bile.
b. Finger-like outgrowth in the small intestine.
c. The part of amoeba which help in capturing food.
d. The longest part of alimentary canal.
e. The part which feels the taste of different food items1. A substance which kills bacteria in stomach
a. Water
b. Hydrochloric acid
c. Sulphuric acid
d. Citric acid
2. Animals that chew cud are called
a. Herbivores
b. Omnivores
c. Ruminant
d. Grass eating
3. Total number of canines teeth in adult human beings are
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
4. Gastric juice contain enzyme
a. Lipase
b. Amylase
c. Cellulase
d. Pepsin
5. Match the following
Column A Column B
a. Mastication i. Gall bladder
b. Ruminant ii. Pseudopodia
c. Ptyalin iii. Teeth
d. Ingestion in amoeba iv. Cellulose digesting
e. Bile storing organ v. Saliva 6. Fill in the blanks
a. Saliva is secreted in mouth by --------------------.
b. --------------------- is produced by liver.
c. Food is pushed down into the stomach by ---------------.
d. Amoeba digest its food in the ----------------.
e. Digestion of starch starts in ----------------------.
7. Which gland release gastric juice? What is its function?
8. What are ruminants? Name the four compartments of their stomach?
9. What Oral Rehydration Solution?
10. Mention the important functions of pancreas1. Fat is completely digested in
a. Stomach
b. Small intestine
c. Mouth
d. Large intestine
2. Water from undigested food is absorbed by
a. Small intestine
b. Large intestine
c. Food pipe
d. Liver
3. Which one is not a ruminant animal?
a. Dog
b. Cow
c. Buffalo
d. Deer
4. Utilization of digested food to obtain energy is called
a. Ingestion
b. Digestion
c. Absorption
d. Assimilation
5. Match the following
Column A Column B
a. Carbohydrates i. Do not contain nutrient.
b. Proteins ii. Glucose
c. Fats iii. Amino acids
d. Vitamins iv. Fatty acids
e. Roughage v. Provide immunity6. Write T for true and F for false statements.
a. Tongue help in mixing of food with saliva.
b. Large intestine absorbs digested food.
c. Rhythmic contraction and relaxation of food pipe is called peristalsis.
d. Small finger-like projection in small intestine help in digestion of food.
e. There are 8 premolars and molars in adult mouth.
7. Why do we get instant energy from glucose?
8. Write one similarity and one difference in nutrition in amoeba and human beings.
9. Name the main organs of human digestive system.
10. Which part of digestive canal is involved in
a. Absorption of food
b. Chewing of food
c. Killing of Bacteria
d. Complete digestion of food
e. Formation of faeces