Friday, 7 February 2025



 Worksheet 1 

"Forest: Our Lifeline"

Class 7 Science 

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions (1 mark each)

  1. Which of the following is NOT a product obtained from forests?
    a) Timber
    b) Paper
    c) Plastic
    d) Rubber

  2. Forests help in maintaining the balance of:
    a) Carbon dioxide and Oxygen
    b) Hydrogen and Oxygen
    c) Nitrogen and Carbon dioxide
    d) Oxygen and Helium

  3. Which of the following is a decomposer in the forest ecosystem?
    a) Tiger
    b) Mushroom
    c) Deer
    d) Eagle

  4. The topmost layer of the forest is called:
    a) Shrub layer
    b) Understory
    c) Canopy
    d) Forest floor

  5. Which of the following is NOT an effect of deforestation?
    a) Soil erosion
    b) Increased rainfall
    c) Loss of biodiversity
    d) Climate change

Section B: Fill in the Blanks (1 mark each)

  1. Forests prevent __________ by holding soil with their roots.
  2. The process by which plants prepare their own food using sunlight is called __________.
  3. A forest is called a __________ as it provides oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide.
  4. __________ are tiny organisms that help in decomposing dead plants and animals.
  5. The movement of water through forests and the atmosphere is called the __________ cycle.

Section C: Short Answer Questions (2 marks each)

  1. What is the role of forests in maintaining the water cycle?
  2. How do forests help in preventing floods?
  3. Name any two products obtained from forests and their uses.
  4. Explain how animals and plants depend on each other in a forest.
  5. Why is deforestation harmful to the environment?

Section D: Long Answer Questions (3 marks each)

  1. Describe the different layers of a forest with examples of organisms found in each.
  2. Explain the role of decomposers in the forest ecosystem.
  3. Suggest three ways to conserve forests and prevent deforestation.

Worksheet 2

Section A: Fill in the Blanks

  1. Forests help in maintaining the balance of _______ and _______ gases in the atmosphere.
  2. _______ are the primary producers in a forest ecosystem.
  3. The process by which trees release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide is called _______.
  4. The uppermost layer of the forest, formed by the branches of tall trees, is called the _______.
  5. Cutting down trees on a large scale is known as _______.

Section B: True or False

  1. Forests prevent soil erosion. (True/False)
  2. Decomposers like fungi and bacteria break down dead plants and animals. (True/False)
  3. A herbivore eats both plants and animals. (True/False)
  4. Deforestation leads to an increase in biodiversity. (True/False)
  5. Forests help in recharging groundwater. (True/False)

Section C: Match the Following

Column AColumn B
1. Herbivorea. Breaks down dead matter
2. Canopyb. A plant-eating animal
3. Decomposerc. Tall trees form this layer
4. Omnivored. Protects soil from erosion
5. Roots of treese. Eats both plants and animals

Section D: Short Answer Questions

  1. How do forests help in maintaining the water cycle?
  2. What is the role of decomposers in a forest ecosystem?
  3. Explain the term "food chain" with an example from the forest.
  4. Why are forests called the "lungs of the Earth"?
  5. List any three ways in which deforestation affects the environment.

Section E: Long Answer Questions

  1. Describe the different layers of a forest and their significance.
  2. How does deforestation lead to global warming?
  3. What steps can be taken to conserve forests?