I. Very short answer type questions:
- How solar energy is made useful to the living world?
- Name the group of Bacteria that contain the contamination of water.
- What is coliform?
- List two measures that you would suggest for the better management of water resources.
- List two advantages associated with water harvesting at the community level.
- Water is a valuable resource. List two way's that you would suggest every family member save this resource.
- What measure would you take to conserve electricity in your house?
- How does mining cause environmental pollution?
- Although coal and petroleum are produced by the degradation of biomass, yet we need to conserve them. Why?
- State the places that are referred to as biodiversity hotspots.
- Suggest a few measures for controlling carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.
- Mention one reason for discontentment among the people who have been displaced by buildings dams.
- Name the tree for which Amrita Devi Bishnoi and others sacrificed their lives.
- State one reason for the conservation of forest and wildlife.
- List two items that can be easily recycled but we generally show them in the dustbin.
- Give one example each from your daily life where the household waste can be effectively reused and recycle respectively.
- How can we help in reducing the problems of waste disposal? List any two ways.
- When the great Himalayan National Park was formed, the practice of grazing by sheep in summer was put to an end. What was the impact of stopping his practice?
- What is a watershed management system?
- List two benefits derived by the communities that participate in this system.
- "We need to manage our resources" List two reasons to justify this statement.
- List two causes of pollution of river Ganga. List any two measures that you suggest for better management of water resources.
- Name the dam on the river Narmada, whose height the Government wanted to raise.
II. Short answer type questions:
- What is water harvesting? How can this technique help in the conservation of water?
- What is meant by biodiversity? List two advantages of conserving forests and wildlife.
- Diagrammatically represent the khadin system of water harvesting.
- Affluent lifestyle has and negative effect on the environment. Justify this statement with the help of examples.
- Why do we seek the construction of dams? Mention any two problems faced with the construction of large dams. Suggest a solution to this problem.
- State the main purpose of the water harvesting system and also mention the source which fills the pond behind harvesting structures.
- List four disadvantages of burning fossil fuels.
- Every one of us can do something to reduce the consumption of various natural resources. List four such activities based on the 3- R approach.
- What is the role of wildlife and nature enthusiasts as a stakeholder with reference to forests?
- Why do we need alternative sources of energy ? Give two reasons.
- Why is the sustainable management of natural resources necessary? Which one out of reuse and recycle would you suggest to practice and why?
- Mention the steps taken by the West Bengal government to protect badly degraded Sal forest?
- List four advantages of water stored in the ground. List four stakeholders of forests.
- What is the Chipko Movement? Why should we conserve forests?
- List any two measures you would take to conserve electricity at your house so that the consumption of fossil fuel is reduced.
- Why forests are considered biodiversity hotspots? What would happen due to the loss of biodiversity?
- List two advantages associated with water harvesting at the community level "Management of natural resources required a long term perspective" Comment on the statement.
- Narmada Bachao Andolan raised issues of how the construction of big dams creates environmental problems? Discussed two such issues.
- Why must we conserve our forest? List any three causes of deforestation.
- What are the advantages of watershed Management? Name any two ancient water harvesting structures for each of the following states. (i) Rajasthan (ii) Maharashtra (iii) Bihar.
- Name four main components of coal and petroleum. List the benefits with the Chipko movement brought for the local population.
- Although coal and petroleum are produced by the degradation of biomass, yet we need to conserve them. Why? List any two causes for the failure of the suspended availability of groundwater.
- Name any two fossil fuels. Why are they so-called? Mention the role of forest in conserving the environment. How does the forest get depleted?
III. Long answer type questions:
- Why is reusing even better than recycling? List any two reasons.
- Why are the Arabari forests of Bengal known to be a good example of the conserved forest?
- Give any three examples of human activities leading to the destruction of forests.
- What is the importance of the forest as a resource?
- Why is the sustainable management of natural resources necessary? Give an example of it. Out of the two methods used and recycle which one would you suggest to practice and why?
- Suggest a few useful ways of utilizing wastewater.
- By 1983 what was the value of the previously worthless sal forest in the Arabari forest range of Midnapore District?
- Prepare a list of five activities that you perform daily in which natural resources can be conserved or energy utilization can be minimized.
- Name the way to capture the rainwater when it rains, store that water above ground or charge the underground and use it later. Write any three negative effects caused by deforestation.
- Write any five ways in which the local and tribal are depend on the forest?
- Define the following terms
(i) Coliform
(ii) Recycling
(iii) Sustainable development
(iv) Chipko Andolan
(v) Watershed management - What is a fossil fuel? Give two examples.